Development Process
How we go about our work.
How we go about our work.
“Without prior preparation, be prepared to fail.”
We work closely with the client during the most important stage of the development cycle for bespoke apps.
Utilising our in-house development framework. We can produce powerful bespoke business apps at a fraction of the cost of our competitors.
Here at WhiteSpace Systems, we like to know if somethings going wrong with an bespoke app before you do. With our monitoring tools, built in our in-house framework. We are usually notified of an issue, before a support ticket is even raised by a client.
Just because a bespoke app is Live, doesn’t mean the development process ends there. We carefully fine tune bespoke apps where and when a clients needs change. The bespoke app is essentially fluid and never fixed. We don’t build solutions that get stuck in a corner.